Into It. Over It. — the moniker of Chicago’s Evan Weiss — has announced his newest album, Figure, which will be released on September 18th via Triple Crown Records. It will be his first record under the IIOI name since 2016’s Standards.
Today, to celebrate the announcement, he has released a new song called “We Prefer Indoors,” which is a tasty treat of what’s to come on Figure. A song that was written about a short-lived relationship that went on for much longer than it needed to, it’s about rediscovering your self-confidence — and teaching us that sometimes, you just have to walk away.
Where Standards found Into It. Over It. drifting into new territories, Figure finds Weiss returning to an entirely new landscape, but once again, innovation has become the beating heart of everything he creates. Songs like the newly released “We Prefer Indoors” prove that Weiss continues to succeed at his quest for transformation, and the rest of the record will be just as solid.
It’s accompanying music video follows a day in the life of Into It. Over It. –– including Weiss, Adam Beck (Drums), Matthew Frank (Bass) and Joe Shadid (Guitar) –– as they prepare for a gig unlike any gig they’ve ever played before.
Directed by Chicago directing duo coool (John TerEick and Jake Nokovic), the entire video was able to be shot while practicing proper social distancing recommendations. It features guest appearances from some of Chicago’s finest: Mike Kinsella (American Football), Bob Nanna (Braid/Hey Mercedes), Christine Goodwyne and Nicollete Sara (Pool Kids), Erik Czaja (Dowsing/Pet Symmetry), Marcus Nuccio (Ratboys/Pet Symmetry), Jared Karns (Their/They’re/There), Andy Hendricks (Annabel), and more.
Back at the beginning of 2017, Weiss wasn’t sure that Into It. Over It. would birth Figure, but it built slowly and kindly with the help of his community.
“It’s about trying to make peace with poor decisions that I’ve made,” Weiss says, “and how I can try to reconcile as much as I can, and what I can’t reconcile, how I’m going to cope with that moving forward, and what I can do to be better to the people around me.”
Into It. Over It. and drummer/audio engineer Adam Beck recorded and produced Figure over seven months in different studios around Chicago’s many neighborhoods with longtime friends and recording collaborators Matthew Jordan, Andrew Emil and Mark Michalik. Figure was mixed by Jason Cupp (Jimmy Eat World, American Football, Maps & Atlases) and mastered by Dave Kutch (American Football, Lana Del Rey, Solange),
Weiss began writing with Beck in May of 2017, and over the next two years, our 30 songs were assembled. “I owe that dude my life,” says Weiss. “He came in and saved me when I was in a really dark time.”
For Weiss, it was a chance to recapture the lightning-strike origins of Into It. Over It. “That excitement of starting a band for the first time is an irreplicable feeling. It’s really hard to get that feeling back, and if I didn’t come up with a way to reinvent the excitement of being in this band for the first time, it would’ve been the end of Into It. Over It.”
Figure is available to pre-order now.