We hear about love at first sight, but that’s not always how love works. Sometimes it’s a sneakier emotion. You like spending time with someone, you keep seeing them, and then before you know it there are all sorts of feelings swirling around inside you. That realization can be a powerful moment, and it seems Cody Lovaas has experienced it for himself. Today he shares his thoughts on his new track “Finally Fallen.”
Lovaas’s blend of electronic influences and guitar-based music has always been unique and captivating, and it fits “Finally Fallen” especially well. The synths build a subtle, but powerful swirl of sound over which Lovaas explains how much his feelings have begun to grow and bloom. The urgency in his voice on the chorus is relatable to anyone who has been in love and just can’t wait to tell someone. The solid kick of the percussion gives the track some extra power, and the little moments where he lets his guitar skills shine with one-off riffs and small flourishes are a pleasant addition. “Finally Fallen” is as relatable and moving a love song as you could ask for.
“Finally Fallen” is taken from Cody Lovaas’s upcoming EP Honestly, set for release on May 31. You can listen to the track below.