On “Good Song,” Los Angeles based artist tiLLie has a message for everyone, including herself.
The only thing worse than the end of a relationship is the feeling of knowing a relationship needs to end. It’s hard to describe the moment for those who have never experienced it themselves but suffice to say it’s not unlike any other feeling that comes when you know life is about to change forever. You can never undo these thoughts, only process them, and today our good friend tiLLie has delivered the perfect anthem for those currently having a moment like this in their own lives.
The third major single from tiLLie in the last year, “Good Song” takes aim at a relationship that is doomed and details all the conflicting feelings that arise from it. While singing, tiLLie is seen wandering the desert until she’s picked up by a badass biker gang. You can view the world premiere of the video for “Good Song” above.
Discussing “Good Song” and the inspiration behind it, tiLLie told us:
“Good Song” is the third and final of the 3 part series that began with “pink + blue” last april. Although written while still in the dark relationship that inspired all 3, “Good Song” is the sound of my subconscious saying “wake up, it’s over”. For months, I couldn’t listen to my favorite 3-minute pop song without my ex reminding me of how “shit” he thought it was the entire time – a seemingly small incident that became the metaphor for the entire relationship. It’s the moment I realized that my worth was greater than to stay with someone who couldn’t stand to see me happy, even for 180 seconds. The video echoes my journey of severing the tie, relearning to trust myself, and getting empowered with the help of some badass biker females.”
We should all learn from tiLLie and the message “Good Song” promotes. There are times in our lives when we find ourselves in relationships with people who do not always have our best interests at heart, but knowing how to respond to that realization is never easy. Maybe the other person did get us at one point time, but just because they understood us on day one does not guarantee they will still understand us months or years down the road. In order to become the best version of ourselves, we must learn to let go of those holding us back or otherwise preventing us from being our true selves. If we can do that, and I believe we all possess the ability to do so, then anything is possible.
You know the changes the need to be made in your life. Listen to your heart and follow its guidance, always.