When Jeremy Da and I met in person for the first time, it was quite a freak show. It’s true. Silverchair doesn’t get enough love in the states, and Jeremy and I happily discussed and ranked the band’s epic catalog below for YOUR benefit. If you don’t scroll down, there’s the door:
5. Frogstomp (1995)
JD: Hi, Scott.
SW: Hi, Jeremy.
JD: We agreed on this list entirely. Pretty cool. I think that this is the band’s least favorite silverchair album too.
SW: And you’re not throwing any shade by saying such.
JD: Don’t get me wrong: All silverchair is good silverchair, but the band evolved into a completely different animal by the end of its career.
SW: It’s not the band’s faultline, bro.
JD: That dad joke was a pure massacre, bro.
SW: I am I am Israel’s son. Israel’s son I am.
4. Freak Show (1997)
JD: You. Sure. Are. Anyway, “The Door” is a pop gem.
SW: Underrated track. Underrated record.
JD: Great riffs. Less aggressive and grungy. The band alienated a lot of its fans as it started to develop.
SW: By the time the band returned to the fickle fickle United States, nobody came.
JD: Mic drop.
SW: Freak.
JD: I’ve learned to hate this article and we’re not even halfway done.
SW: I won’t abuse you anymore after we finish.
3. Young Modern (2007)
JD: Speaking of things ending, Silverchair finished its career with “Young Modern”. The title says it all and the album totally delivered.
SW: I feel like you’re a mind reader, Jeremy.
JD: The dad jokes cause me to lose sleep… and I’m a dad.
SW: Insomnia?
JD: (groans)
SW: I love this album. I love all silverchair albums. I love this album’s opening track. I love all silverchair albums’ opening tracks.
JD: Same. What a band.
SW: What a band.
JD: This band writes in movements. Revisit “Those Thieving Birds” if you haven’t spun it in a while. If you’ve never heard the track, please stop everything that you’re doing right now and listen to it.
SW: I feel like you’re a mind reader, Jeremy.
JD: And I feel like you know too much!
2. Neon Ballroom (1999)
SW: “Emotion Sickness” was the gateway drug that caused me to become an obsessed silverchair fan.
JD: It tangled your heart.
SW: That’s our point of view. I’m a point of jew.
JD: (mouth wide open)
SW: Epic. Orchestral. The definition of musical progression.
JD: Absolutely, dude. I’ve been listening to “Neon Ballroom” for the past few days, and I love how the band mixes the aggressiveness and pop sensibilities in each and every song. Classical. Grunge. SO good. The full McCoy.
SW: The real deal.
JD: The real deal.
SW: I asked myself, “Do you feel the same?” in response to what you just said. I will answer with one word: “Fuckyesido.”
JD: Fuck yes you do.
SW: 1999 still holds up!
JD: 20 years later!
1. Diorama (1999)
SW: Diorama.
JD: Diorama.
SW: I saw silverchair on tour for this record. Best. Concert. Ever. (pauses) Ever.
JD: Ever.
SW: And that’s all I have to say about that.
JD: Without you I’m nothing. P.S. Listen to the outro to “Without You” right now at 3:20. You’re welcome.
We opened our Spotify playlist with “Without You”. Say that sentence out loud and never stop shouting Silverchair’s praises.