I love to hear about entrepreneurial stories, especially when it involves music, hard work, good people and a pandemic! These are trying times no doubt. Do we sit on our asses and complain? Or, do we navigate the rough waters and find a way to succeed and cultivate new ideas? Born and bred by musicians and music industry veterans, Victare Watches has decided to do the latter by bringing a little style and class to this pandemic ridden year.
Victare Watches is a new brand out of Toledo, Ohio comprised of musicians who have all toured the country in a van, concert promoters, and independent record label reps who all share the same love and passion for both music and watches. The brand’s mission is to work with and through musicians/bands to help support and empower the music scene lifestyle and community. Starting only in January of 2020, you might consider Victare as “just another watch brand” or even the “new kid on the block”. However, they’ve already announced partnerships with Rook of Machine Gun Kelly, Seth Morrison of Skillet, Rory of Dayseeker, and many more to be announced in the near future.
(Photo; Kirsten Koschnitzke of Whisper Disco)
“In the midst of the current global pandemic with COVID-19, we at Victare have not only been affected by it, but we have seen so many of our friends in the music industry really struggling as well. We want to help in any way that we can, and strongly urge others to do the same. Show them how appreciated they really are. We honestly believe that once this battle with COVID-19 is finally won, the music industry will come back stronger than ever. Bands are eager to get back in the studio to create and get back on stage to let everything out. Fans are hungrier than ever to see their favorite bands live, and to feel that sense of human connection and community that live music always brings. If anything, we think this is a time of great growth of appreciation for the live music industry and it’s only up from here. Keep your heads up, keep creating, and Live Loud.” – Victare Team
Victare Watches Team
Thomas Steinke, CEO, Fearless Leader
John Fleischmann, Content Creator, Guitarist & Singer
Michael Neumann, Content Creator, Drummer & Singer
Cody Sizemore, Relations Manager, Guitar player
Sue Olman, Shipping Extraordinaire
Traci Ramirez, Shipping Extraordinaire