Takahiro Izutani, who creates mindblowing soundscapes as Dugo, released his newest album, titled Lingua Franca, earlier this year, and we’re telling you now before it’s too late: listen to this album, because it may very well end up on your best of 2017 list.
Lingua Franca consists of nine tracks, all of equal quality with intricate arrangements and uniquely crafted foundations. With Izutani’s interest and work on music for various video games, some of the sounds found on this album may come as no surprise. There’s an escapist, adventurous quality to a lot of the work here and it’s easy to get lost within. Frankly, you probably won’t hear anything else quite like this this year.
On his Bandcamp page, Izutani says, “Dugo is my life’s work. I think many of the people who purchased this album are video game music fans, and you can indeed find some affinity between my work for Dugo and my compositions for video games. I was always taking experimental approaches during the process of making Dugo’s songs, and then sophisticating, developing, and introducing them into video game work. Actually, you can explore the headstream of all of the video game music that I have ever made through this album,” he continues. “I think it is fantastic that Brave Wave is contributing to the video game music industry and supporting composers in such a way.”
Listen to Lingua Franca below to be moved.