Weezer have spent the entirety of 2022 releasing an EP each season, simply and appropriately dubbed their SZNZ project. Like their SZNZ: Spring, SZNZ: Summer, and SZNZ: Autumn, the upcoming season equinox on December 21st will arrive alongside a new EP from the band.
SZNZ: Winter is a stripped back, acoustic-leaning body of work from Weezer, encompassing the harrowing sadness that so many experience during the winter months.
Today, to go along with the EP announcement, Weezer have also released the first single, titled “I Want a Dog.” Listen to the new song from the band below.
SZNZ: Winter continues the narrative that Weezer started on SZNZ: Autumn, SZNZ: Spring and SZNZ: Summer bringing Pagan myths, Shakespeare, Catholic rituals, Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, and more to life. Each SZNZ EP offers its own palette of colors, creatures, and emotions to explore. They were all created in real time, made in tandem with the season themselves. Once they’ve all been released on December 21, the EPs will create an incredible collection of some of Weezer’s best songs yet, no small feat for a band that never leaves the Zeitgeist.