Year Over Year is going to rip out your heart with his video for “Charm.” The weird thing is, you’re going to thank him for it.
There is a strange thing that happens as we grow older. The more we love and love, the more we desire to love and lose again. It’s not that we want to be hurt, but that we understand that pain is inevitable. Life is a losing game, and if we accept that, then we develop a deeper appreciation for the good times in whatever form they come. We care less about the possibility of forever and learn to be increasingly present in the now because, for better and worse, it is all that we can grasp.
In his new single “Charm,” Year Over Year (the product of Dorian Pintaric) is reflecting on the loss of love and the way that is changing how he feels about himself. As Dorian recounts the memories he has of the life he led with someone no longer present, he begins to questions whether or not they knew him better than he knows himself. Was he more charming than worthwhile? Did he grow too complacent with himself and stop aspiring to be more? Did he take those moments for granted? The empitinees he now feels is worse than the heartache.
The song provides far more questions than answers, but one can argue life does the same. We grow with each experience, but we also ask more than we can ever hope to learn. Our only option is to try again or submit to a life of isolation, and the latter seems a lot worse than the heartache that comes from taking a chance on someone you thought could be your everything. Year Over Year understands that the risk is worth the reward, and that is what makes “Charm” such a heartbreaking delight.
Today, Substream is thrilled to share the official video for “Charm.” Check it out:
Speaking about the track, Dorian offers:
“Charm” is one of the last songs I wrote for The Love We Think We Deserve. I think the minimalism instrumentally provides a showcase for the lyrics. In all aspects of this song I felt like I really wanted to get the point of feeling complacent and mundane. From the imagery in the music video to the lyrical content and even the simple guitar melodies, I just wanted this painful feeling of ‘I hate how mundane my life is’ and ‘why doesn’t anything I do make me feel’.”
“I think the actual plot lines for the ‘Charm’ music video are all playing with the idea of complacency. Either breaking the complacency through self harm, or existing within it showcased by the overgrown flowers or the scene of myself doing a photo shoot. My favourite scene would have to be the one with our friend Gabby turning away from the stove just above her shoulder. I just think it’s such a beautiful scene.”