Mixed-genre artist, Marcaux from Long Island, NY, is out today with his new EP Cedar Creek.
Marcaux comments, “Thank you can only be described as the EP’s ‘sad song’, as it discusses heartbreak using not only real events but on the surface descriptions to make it as vulnerable as possible. Thank you is the perfect balance between being something everything can relate to, and being something that only the person who the song is about can fully understand.”
According to Marcaux, the Cedar Creek EP is about looking back at your life growing up, and how it created you, from the perspective of who you are now.
Cedar Creek is the park where Marcaux learned most of his life lessons and is now a project to reflect on the good and bad in the most transparent, vulnerable way.
The EP shows great past experiences like friendship, love, and growth along with the harder sides of growing up such as heartbreak, addiction, anxiety, family issues, and lack of self-esteem.