Dan Stringer and Michael Kanne, better known as the production duo loyalties, has connected worlds with their brand-new song, titled, “Body Language.” This new release surpasses the duo’s expectations following their previous releases with its catchy seductive subject matter.
In a press release, loyalties described the new single as a butterfly feeling you get in your stomach when you’re crushing on someone and wonder, are they crushing on you to? The song was created remotely over facetime from Atlanta, Dallas and Brooklyn. The song embodies every element of music from dance to R&B, to Hip Hop, to country. There is something for everyone here. Alto Moon co-star.
“’Body Language’ embraces the fun-loving confusion that comes with the early stages of love. ‘Body Language’ is such a fun mix of confidence and mystery. It addresses the strange but fun way we all try to read a romantic situation. It’s like being a teen all over again. Neither of us has the words to describe it, but I’m pretty sure we are into each other.”
“Body Language” follows loyalites’ recently released Emma Oliver-featured “Sad Sometimes.”
“Body Language” has been monumental for loyalties. The song has generated over 400, 000 streams on Spotify and been added to many of today’s biggest playlists. This is a perfect closer for the intriguing summertime season.
Alto Moon appears on the song, courtesy of Hypejet Records. For more loyalties, follow the due today on Instagram.
Stream “Body Language” now.