HAUNTER, Houston’s self proclaimed alternative/pop “weirdos”, are back with their sugar sweet single Miss Me featuring R I L E Y. The band released their first studio single, Love You Better, back in February and have amassed over 20,000 streams on Spotify, and 45,000 video plays on Facebook within a few weeks. The new single Miss Me serves as a companion piece to Love You Better, both connected by one common theme: love gone wrong.

“Miss Me was inspired by one of my exes telling me I would miss him after we broke up. With that line running through my head, I took that thought, and wrapped it around each of my past boyfriends that made an impact on me. One never called me, One never listened, and one just wasn’t strong enough to hold me up when I needed it. The verses are all about each of them individually as well. It’s kind of the story of my life,” explains vocalist Lucy Lenoir.
The band reached out to their friend, alt-R&B artist R I L E Y, to lend his talents to the track. HAUNTER’s guitarist Enoma Asowata notes, “R I L E Y is just incredible. He’s not only a friend of ours but when we wrote the song we knew we wanted someone to bring a different vibe for the bridge. Immediately we all knew he was the only person for the job.”
HAUNTER plans to continue recording and releasing music throughout the year. The group is dedicated to creating substantial, thoughtful, uncompromising pop music, while making genuine connections with listeners. As Lucy states, “Music that comes from love and heartbreak make the best songs in the world, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I think those concepts are things almost anyone can relate to and that’s really our goal here. We just want to make sure people understand they’re not alone in any of this.”
Photo Credit: Taylor Foiles
Miss Me Cover Art: Cameron Burns