Songwriter Derek Zanetti, better known as The Homeless Gospel Choir, recently announced a brand new full-length, “This Land is Your Landfill” due out April 24th from A-F Records (North America) and Hassle Records (UK).
The Pittsburgh based musician shared a little preview of the record by releasing the single “Art Punk” and an accompanying video.
This Land Is Your Landfill marks a reinvention for The Homeless Gospel Choir with Zanetti leaving the sparse arrangements of his earlier work behind, gathering an all-star cast of punk scene collaborators, and creating the kind of ruckus, full-band album that he’d always dreamed of. With its fuzzed-out guitars, driving tempo, and gang harmonies, “Art Punk” is a perfect example of the celebratory mix of ’90s rock hooks and punk energy that permeates This Land Is Your Landfill.
When it comes down to it. This Land Is Your Landfill deftly balances the personal (grief, aging, self-perception) with the sociopolitical (environmentalism, toxic social media, the hate and ignorance fueled by the Trump administration). The result is an urgent album that captures The Homeless Gospel Choir as the punk rock family it was always meant to be.
As the third single released, “Art Punk” acts as an ode to the insatiable desire to create, while warning against getting lost in the process.
Zanetti explains, “‘ Art Punk’ is a sing‐alone sing-along pop song about the anxiety that artists, punks, and fuck-ups often feel. We hope our song sticks with you but your anxiety does not.”