2020 has been nothing short of a weird year so far. From tours getting announced to immediately getting rescheduled/cancelled, bands using streaming sites to put on shows for fans, and donating merch money to COVID-19 relief organizations, it has taken quite the turn that no one expected.
The idea for Block by Blockwest was originally created by Philly based indie rockers Courier Club and has skyrocketed into a major music industry event with confirmations from Pussy Riot, Fever 333, HUNNY, among others. All proceeds from Block by Blockwest will go towards benefiting the victims of COVID-19. This music festival will take place entirely on Minecraft on Sunday, April 25th.
There will be two stages and a ticket costs about the same as your usual concert ticket. This festival not only pairs with Minecraft, but Discord-which is how you can choose which stage you want to stream and interact with other attendees. Each act will interact with the crowd and even have virtual merch stands that bring you directly to the bands’ website to support them.
The best part is that if you don’t have a Minecraft account, each stage will be streamed on the festival’s website, Facebook, and Youtube.
The full lineup can be viewed on their website: https://blockbyblockwest.com/
All the information you need to know for this event is in the video at the top.