If you’ve been reading Substream for a while, you may have seen our weekly Take Five column, where we highlight our five favorite songs from the previous week. For the month of December, we wanted to highlight of our love and appreciation of the holidays by doing something special for our readers. So for this month, we present you with a special variation of Take Five with the Holiday Five.
We’ve gotten together with some amazing artists and music industry people to chat about their five favorite holiday movies. This will be more than a weekly column, so be sure to check in every day to see who joined us to talk about their favorite holiday movies.
Our first pieces comes from one of our favorites, Dallon Weekes of I Don’t Know How But They Found Me. Head below to see what holiday movies made his top five!
1) A Christmas Story
This is the first Christmas movie that I ever remember watching as a kid. I think I loved it because it was told from the perspective of a child on Christmas, so I related to so much of it. There was a real connection there.
2) It’s a Wonderful Life
I remember this always being on every Christmas growing up, but I never really paid attention and actually watched it until I was in my twenties, but it’s a great movie about how greatly our actions can affect the lives of people around us. A great reminder to make those actions positive.
3) Home Alone
This movie was huge. And it’s a classic for good reason. Aside from the horrible negligence on behalf of Kevin’s parents, it’s a great Christmas comedy. My kids love it too.
4) Planes Trains And Automobiles
People sometimes forget that this is a Christmas movie because it’s such a great ‘buddy comedy/road trip movie’. But the centerpiece is trying to get home to your family for Christmas, and treating people with kindness, despite having every reason not to.
5) Christmas Vacation
As a kid this movie was always about this ridiculous clown of a father, going through all kinds of hell so that he can give everyone in his family a merry Christmas. The older I get, the more I can relate to all that effort. And to a degree, his temporary psychological breakdown at the end.