La Bouquet is a Los Angeles-based trio consisting of Bryan Sammis (formerly of The Neighbourhood), Jake Lopez and Drew Bruchs. Throughout their young career thus far, they have worked to create asound that blends synth-pop with R&B-tinged vocals over post-punk soundscapes, garnering strong critical acclaim.
“Obviously, there’s an eighties influence, but there’s also a big R+B influence,” Sammis explains on the band’s sound. “At the same time, we also come from that punk ethos. We don’t want everything to sound too perfect. We just want every note to evoke some sort of emotion.”
La Bouquet recently dropped their latest Halsey approved single, “Sad People Dancing,” which serves as the title-track off their debut album that’s due out April 26th. It perfectly illustrated their eclectic influences, and the single we have for you today follows that perfectly. We are excited to bring you the exclusive premiere of their next single, “Bad News!”
It’s the latest single from Sad People Dancing, and finds La Bouquet pushing the boundaries of what you would expect, while also posing the question of “haven’t we had enough damn rock stars?” in “Bad News!” It’s ironic in the sense that you get the feeling this band is ready to be the next big trio of “rock stars” (whatever that looks like in 2019), as retro yet modern sounding instrumentals come to you, floating ever so elegantly from speaker to your ear, with soothing vocals that will hook you in.
Listen to “Bad News!” below.
‘Bad News!’ is one of the oldest songs on our forthcoming album Sad People Dancing. It was one of the earliest songs we wrote that really shaped the sound and direction of our band,” explains Sammis. “The song is about people who think they are ‘too cool’ and wanting to let them know that if they just intentionally lost control for a second they could free themselves from that toxic way of thinking. It is a song about the musicians & the music industry as a whole. As an artist I want to breed and nurture an environment where authenticity is king. This song is my plea, this song is my fight for creativity & individuality. Thanks for listening!”
La Bouquet is also confirmed to perform at The Hi Hat in Los Angeles tonight, April 4th. Additional tour dates are expected to be announced soon.
Sad People Dancing follows the 2018 releases of single “Names Like Songs” and the Sunshine Sessions collection, which saw La Bouquet experiment with acoustic interpretations of their 2017 EP Heavy Sunshine.
- Heavenly
- Bad News!
- Loveless
- Pity Party
- Pure Heartbreak
- You Only Need Me When You’re Blue
- Sad People Dancing
- Loser Baby
- Scream My Name
- 1990
- The Sound Of Me Dying
You can keep up with the band on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.