Tiny Moving Parts release new song called “Life Jacket”. “We wrote this song about trying to simply stay afloat in life,” shares vocalist and guitarist Dylan Mattheisen.“It’s been a strange year not seeing friends, being stuck home because of COVID. It’s important to remind yourself to keep you head above the water when the current gets strong.”

There is a strong reference to water throughout the lyrics in the song. “We are Minnesotans so we’re surrounded by a million lakes,” explains Dylan. “We always enjoy connecting life with the water, makes writing more enjoyable for us.”

“Life Jacket” follows ‘You Lost Me/Guardians’, a double single released shortly after the bands 2019 new album ‘breathe’ both out now through Hopeless Records.
Tiny Moving Parts is Dylan Mattheisen (guitar/vocals), Matthew Chevalier (bass/vocals), and Billy Chevalier (drums).
(Photo by Trevor Sweeney)
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