Ferment noun /ˈfərˌmənt/: agitation and excitement among a group of people, typically concerning major change and leading to trouble or violence.
Khamsin is no stranger to the idea of telling dark stories through their songwriting. They understand that there’s no point in sugarcoating anything because people are bound to gravitate towards the genuine emotion bound to traversing through the darkest crevices of your brain. “Ferment” is no exception to the rule– a song that is openly about the idea of giving in to your vices and becoming the monster that exists in the depths of everyone.
The opening riff to “Ferment” is a buoyant exercise in post-rock sensibility that elevates their already introspective songwriting. It bounces through these waves of emotional pushing and pulling, helping to make lyrics that talk about falling apart and giving up sting just a little bit more than they already did. It’s one-half of a new two-song EP called A Brief Look Down that Khamsin used to help push their songwriting in a new direction. Unlike previous releases, the band decided against using each song to tell a different story. Instead, they decided to flex their muscles and write about the same event from two very different perspectives.
When asked about the track, Khamsin said: “I wrote the song to process what would happen if you gave into your vice, your addiction, what you over-indulge in. If your Achille’s heel becomes your lifeblood/who you are, or you start to define yourself by your weakness, are you able to work for growth or wholeness?.” He continues, “This isn’t necessarily a call out to anyone in particular, other than myself. It’s a conversation with myself about to be self-controlled and mindful of how I handle myself and my interactions with others.”
You can stream “Ferment” below.
A Brief Look Down is out March 30th. Snag your copy of the record here.