Melbourne, Australia’s Ivan Beecroft, a self-proclaimed “working class bloke who’s absolutely fed up with the status quo,” just released Whatever, an 11-track, classic-influenced rock and roll record filled with political awareness, raw honesty, and some surprising dynamics.
“Whatever is an album of many colours,” says Beecroft. “It could be viewed as being a modern musical kaleidoscope, it may also be viewed as one man’s artistic roller coaster ride – but what it definitely can’t be viewed as is a pretentious, irrelevant pile of fast food for the ears.”
With as much anger that’s present in the heart of the rock and roll core of this album—stemming from Beecroft’s experiences as a steel worker in dangerous conditions—there are a lot of thoughtful, mellow moments strewn throughout Whatever that perfectly counteract and balance the experience of the album. It makes for a steady emotional ebb and flow that allows a more interesting listen and offers plenty of replay value.
You can stream the entirety of Whatever below.