Last we heard from Geowulf, the duo put out the EP Relapse in May that collected all the great singles they had released to that point. It’s been a couple months and summer is winding down here, although in Geowulf’s native Australia it’s just around the corner. No matter where you live, you can enjoy the fact that Star Kendrick and Toma Banjanin have shared another new single today called “Drink Too Much.”
As the title might clue you in on, the track finds Kendrick lamenting that she gets herself into trouble when alcohol becomes involved. It’s not just the alcohol, though. Over a vintage bass line and shaker-led percussion, Kendrick sings that the issues stem from when she “Drink too much, think too much.”
You can listen to “Drink Too Much” through Spotify down below. And while the song is great, if you choose to enjoy any adult beverages while listening, remember to be responsible, drink some water with it, and call a cab if you need to.