One of 2016’s best pop songs now has a music video. Check out the visual for Bellows‘ “Orange Juice” below, via CLRVYNT.
“Orange Juice,” a highlight from last year’s superb Fist & Palm LP, is deceptively simply. The track consists of a homemade beat and an earworm vocal melody, displaying Oliver Kalb’s immense talent in capturing small, human moments in the form of pop music. The lyrical narrative of the song finds Kalb at the Palisades, a now-closed New York DIY venue, and in a tribute to the dwindling number of DIY spaces, the video shows Kalb singing and dancing alone in Brooklyn’s now-closed DIY venue, Aviv, drenched in orange stage lights.
Fist & Palm, released via Double Double Whammy, is an immaculately crafted pop record, and easily one of 2016’s most overlooked releases. Be sure to support Bellows and listen to Fist & Palm at Bandcamp.