There’s nothing like a killer live show to close out the year and celebrate the holiday season, and A R I Z O N A recently did just that at The Van Buren in Phoenix, Arizona. Joining them for the December 16 show were pop duo Fly By Midnight and producer/beatmaker openstate_.
The musical project of James Beshara, openstate_ creates “vitamins for your ears”: ambient, ethereal tunes with 528hz frequency, binaural beats, and BPM designed to induce a flow state – you know, that magical state of mind where you’re completely in the zone and deeply focused on what you’re doing? Yeah, that’s “flow”, and it’s pretty cool. The first official openstate_ shows took place this fall, as Beshara performed a few select shows opening for A R I Z O N A’s Live For A Night tour, though he’s no stranger to creativity and world building through brands: Beshara is also the mastermind behind the productivity elixir Magic Mind, The Daily Vedantic on YouTube, and the Yoga For Your Intellect podcast.
Follow openstate_ on Instagram. to see what he’s up to next.
Having previously supported A R I Z O N A for the entire Live For A Night tour, it was no surprise when Fly By Midnight were announced for the recent holiday show at The Van Buren. The duo, consisting of songwriter Justin Bryte and songwriter/producer Justin Slavo, performed a handful of their lush, romantic tracks, like “Automatic”, “North”, and – per popular request – “Infinitely Falling”, a standout cut from their 2023 album, Fictional Illustrations.
Fly By Midnight will head overseas for their first-ever Asia tour in January. Visit Fly By Midnight’s website to see the dates for the tour and follow the band on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Tiktok to see what else they’re up to in 2024.