New Jersey’s Three Cheers Too Late deliver the perfect song for your summer cooldown with an acoustic cut of “Your Room.”
Summer brings to mind visions of sunny days with high temps and road trips spent screaming along to your favorite songs. Such experiences are a rite of passage for everyone who considers themselves someone, and they serve to establish friend groups and lifelong passions (such as music).
But no summer is complete without the perfect song for the quiet moments. I’m talking about the times when the sun has set, your friends have gone, and all that’s left are your thoughts. That is the time when music can do the most good, and Three Cheers Too Late want to help make your summer great with an exciting new take on “Your Room.” A new acoustic rendition of the track hit streaming services today. Check it out:
The band says:
“Our next choice to remake as an acoustic session is ‘Your Room,’ a song written about living with regrets. Regrets about the things you didn’t do with people you loved because you thought you had time, you thought there would be another day. Now, this mindset comes to haunt you when you’re left looking at the things they loved, watching all the shows they use to love. We chose this song to reiterate how important it is to cherish the time you have with people you love, don’t just go through life saying we can just do that another day, because that day might not come.”
Any group can write a catchy song with the help of a whipsmart producer and a wall of electronic noise behind them. It’s only when we strip songs to their bare bones that we are able to see the true art and artist. Acoustic tracks can make or break someone’s love of an artist. It’s a risky move for anyone, but luckily, Three Cheers Too Late more than rises to the occasion with “Your Room.” If you needed any further proof that this band is going to do big things, here it is. Enjoy.