After an 8-year hiatus, the beloved sister duo Meg & Dia have returned with a new music video “American Spirit.” The video sees the sisters creating a futuristic music video with an artificially intelligent camera that quickly turns hostile.

“Being a huge fan of director Saman Kesh (Ed Sheeran, Calvin Harris) and his work, I wrote him an Instagram message asking if there was a chance that he would be interested in working on a music video with us for ‘American Spirit,'” explains Dia. “I wasn’t expecting a response, but I got one, and soon after we met up for dinner and talked in depth about our past history, our album and what the song means to us. Meg and I knew instantly that Saman and his co-director, Justin Hopkins, were the right team.

“We got to explore our fun, quirky sides with this video, and dive deeper into our relationship as sisters,” Dia adds. “It shows us coming together at the end, which is exactly how I feel in real life. I always feel stronger and more clear-headed with my sister around – like I can take on anything, whether it’s my own inner critic, a breakup, or yes, a giant, crazy, killer robot.”

The newly reunited duo surprise dropped their fourth studio album, happysad, last Friday after a handful of highly anticipated appearances on Van’s Warped Tour. Meg & Dia will tour to support the album later this fall, kicking off in the band’s home state of Utah at Kilby Court in Salt Lake City. Full tour dates can be found below and ticketing information can be found at

Check out “American Spirit” below:

Upcoming Tour Dates

September 14 – Salt Lake City, UT – Kilby Court

September 15 – Las Vegas, NV – Bunkhouse

September 16 – Scottsdale, AZ – Pub Rock

September 18 – San Diego, CA – SOMA Side Stage

September 19 – Los Angeles, CA – Troubadour

September 20 – San Francisco, CA – Rickshaw

September 23 – Boston, MA – ONCE Ballroom

September 24 – Brooklyn, NY – Music Hall of Williamsburg