“She Calls Me The Moon” is Micah Manaitai’s latest masterpiece. It’s a passionate reinforcement of how important loving someone can be, past romance, beyond friendships, but instead an unconditional love.
“I wrote this song in tribute to a connection with someone beyond romance, even friendship for that matter,” Manaitai explains. “It’s a loving relationship seated in respect, appreciation, and admiration. The love I’m talking about in the song is similar to the experience of a divine or unconditional love. Its like the love expressed by a mother, grandmother, older sister, aunt, etc…It’s familial but not necessarily by blood. There’s a lot of power in the ‘she’ pronoun and its relationship to that type of love and it was important for me to explore that.”
Check out the song below.
“She Calls Me The Moon” follows Manaitai’s previous single, “Inner Voices.”