There’s a reason the message of so many movies, shows, books, and other media is to be yourself. Being yourself can be hard! It’s a process that requires constant work and a whole lot of soul-searching. The whole endeavor can become frustrating, which is a completely natural reaction. Troi Irons has been searching for herself, and the result is her gripping new single “Strangers.”
“Strangers,” which Irons co-produced, begins on an introspective note. She sings about not being able to fit into the box which the world has drawn for her over a very effective off-filter piano line. As her frustration at the situation grows and her patience runs thin, the instrumental morphs to suit her mood. The chorus sees her bring out the electric guitar, and the distortion mirrors the urgency in her voice and provides a satisfying growl all its own. The quick transitions between these two moods throughout “Strangers” is highly enjoyable, always keeping listeners glued to their headphones.
You can listen to “Strangers” below.