Chicago, Illinois’s Release(r) have had an interesting journey throughout their life. The band ultimately came together with one another in attempt to somehow find solitude in music, after spending many years bouncing around the Chicago music scene. However, it wasn’t until they realized that all of their hardships an addictions could be masked with making music and building a solid career by being honest and sharing their triumphs. Eventually the members of Release(r) got together with one common objective: always deliver music that is astute and affective, with lyrics that are brutally honest.

The result? Their debut EP, (R)etox. The release finds the band doing their best to channel negative experiences into positive musical outcomes, touching on topics such as addiction, obsession, and loss of self-control, all things that are almost too close to home for each member of Release(r). Lead vocalist Stephen Mueller expands on the record (produced by Nick Radovanovic of Acceptance) by sharing “Nothing in these songs are fabricated. You wanna hear songs about a particular fucked up time in my life, put on some headphones and jump down the rabbit hole.”

Today, we are excited to be bringing you an exclusive premiere of the music video for Release(r)’s single, “The Haze.” The track is one that touches on the idea of being consumed by the fear of missing out, particularly with your significant other/loved one. Expanding on this idea behind the song, Mueller tells Substream, “The song is about coming home to your significant other the next morning intoxicated, and the complications or arguments that may ensue. The individual in the song has FOMO, so feels the need to go out every night. Unfortunately, I feel this song is very relatable to many.”

Discussing the upcoming EP, Mueller continues, “(R)etox is a collection of songs about addiction, obsession, and an overall loss of self-control. Nothing in these songs are fabricated. You wanna hear stories about a particular fucked up time in my life, put on some headphones and jump down the rabbit hole.”

If you like what you hear from the track, you can keep up with Release(r) on Facebook and Instagram.