Los Angeles-based post-punk duo Night Tongue, originally hailing from Australia, released a new, three-track record this year, titled Achelous + Melpomene.
Managing to span roughly 17 minutes in length, the effort “tells the story of the birth of the sirens from the ancient underworld God of oceans, Achelous, and the muse of tragedy, Melpomene.” And if tragedy and visions of the underworld is what you expect to hear on the EP in musical form, you will not be disappointed.
With a moody darkness in tone and members Carisa Bianca Mellado and Andrew Dalziel splitting vocal duties for two separate versions of mythic gloom, Achelous + Melpomene delivers on its themes and resonates with the listener.
You can stream the EP in its entirety below via Bandcamp, where you can also purchase a copy on 10-inch vinyl. More music from Night Tongue is also available via Bandcamp. Let us know what you think.