“Black Dog,” which originally served as the opening track to Australian artist Michael P Cullen‘s 2014 album, True Believer, recently had a live treatment featured on Cullen’s new EP, Live At Lazybones.
Rounded out in sound by a full band, the Soul Searchers, Cullen’s live version represents the original well: it’s still dark, and a bit haunting. This is further portrayed in its live video accompaniment as the band is drenched in dramatic blue and red lights that accentuate the moody tone of the track. The intimate and eclectic Marrickville lounge is the perfect venue for such a delivery, too. You can view the video below to see what we mean.
The “Black Dog” live single as well as the live EP from which it’s taken (along with the rest of Cullen’s work) can be purchased via his website.