In these crazy, uncertain times, we often look to our pets for comfort. If you don’t have a pet, you’re in luck. Stray, a video game from French developer BlueTwelve Studio and Annapurna Interactive, has you play as an orange cat venturing through a world of robots attempting to find a way home. It’s not only humans enjoying one of the year’s most anticipated games. Real house cats are also taking a liking to it. @CatsWatchStray has been chronicling cats from around the globe trying to interact with the television and watching their owners play intently. The Twitter account has reached over 29,000 followers and counting at the time of this post.



It’s not just cats who are getting in on the craze. Dogs are also attempting to jump on the viral trend (although I would be careful about a paw accidentally clawing through a television screen). Perhaps these classic animal enemies can call a truce while one resides in a virtual medium.

This is the best organic PR Annapurna Interactive can ask for. Animal foster organizations have streamed the game to get support for the feline friends in their care. Stray is available to download on PlayStation consoles and PC. The game is said to be Annapurna’s biggest launch, with over 60,000 concurrent players on Steam.

Photo Credit: Annapurna Interactive