Marcus James, an acclaimed producer, and RYYZN, an esteemed duo, have released the stripped version of their collaborative single ‘Night Light’  accompanied by a personal video. The stripped single heralds the approach of the upcoming stripped Warning Sign EP via Physical Presents. For the original EP, the team was supported by tastemaker Youtube channels Sensual Musique and Cloudx Music as well as features on major Spotify playlists such as Cardio, Tropical House, New Music Friday and Mint Canada and collected just under 1.4 million plays across streaming platforms.

“Getting a chance to redo Night Light was a treat for me. Normally when you sing vocals for a pop record, you have to sort of keep everything very simple and focused. But with the acoustic stripped-down remake, it gave me license to have some fun with it. I got to really SING the song, and throw some fun little changes into it that I always wanted but thought maybe weren’t as ‘poppy’.”

A single originally designed to display emotional vulnerability heightens its level of deep intimacy further as it plunged into the acoustic world. Marcus James and RYYZN take a deceivingly simple approach to the stripped back version – allowing what was once and emo-house hit to enter the world of indie where the lyrics take centre stage and gentle strumming builds the surrounding atmosphere. The stripped style of ‘Night Light’ sits in closer comparison to the likes of Daylgow, My Morning Jacket, Jacob Lee and Vance Joy.

“When RYYZN and I started working on the EP, we wrote Night Light first and sketched out all the songs in a stripped-down form. The whole EP existed as four acoustic tracks before we produced it out into the dance space, so it feels fitting to record the songs the way they were first written and release them as a b-side in their original form.”
– Marcus James


Warning Sign (Stripped) EP Tracklist:

1. Warning Sign (Stripped)

2. Night Light (Stripped)

3. Don’t Let Me Say These Words (Stripped)

4. Take Care (Stripped)

Pre-save the new single here

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