Last Saturday, June 27th, allegations surfaced that Emarosa’s Bradley Walden had allegedly groomed and solicited pornography from a minor.
The allegations explain that it all started when the victim — who will be referred to as Jane throughout the story, as they’ve chosen to remain anonymous — first met Walden when he was in Squid the Whale. They had been a fan of the band for a while, and when it came up that the band needed a place to stay in the city they reside in at the time, Jane quickly got the OK from their father to allow the band to stay over.
Rather than re-type the allegations from Jane, or risk unintentionally leaving out any details, Substream will be sharing the tweets containing Jane’s full story below, allowing you to read these accusations exactly as they shared them.
Hello, Twitter!
I’m here to out @bradleywalden for grooming me as a child. He solicited pornography from me when I was the ripe age of 17, and I am here to talk about it.
TW: Child pornography solicitation, suicide mentions, trauma.
My story is in the replies.— ? (they/them!!!!) (@p0kemonemerald) June 28, 2020
— ? (they/them!!!!) (@p0kemonemerald) June 28, 2020
— ? (they/them!!!!) (@p0kemonemerald) June 28, 2020
Upon reading the allegations, Substream directly reached out to Jane via Twitter to attempt to speak to them and make sure it was okay to share their story. After speaking further, they had mentioned emails they received from a member of Emarosa’s management team regarding these allegations.
Jane forwarded these emails to us, but did ask that we did not share screenshots of the emails — however, we were given the OK to still share some quotes of what was said back and forth.
The emails began around April of last year, when Jane reached out to Emarosa’s management to share their story of these sexual misconduct allegations. Upon receiving the email, this member of Emarosa’s management team explains that, “I can assure you Bradley is not this person anymore. He has grown quite a bit, faced many challenges in his personal and career life. It is not all it seems to be online. People paint their lives glamorous but we all have struggle in some capacity, myself included. Since I have stepped into the picture I do believe his head space is on correctly.”
In the same email, this member of Emarosa’s management team references the possibility of this going to court — something Jane did also mention in their email to this individual — and says, “I can agree that this going to a legal matter would be timely, and costly for all parties involved. There is no telling what the outcome is even going to be. Would you be satisfied with it in the end. Never know.”
In the same email, this individual explains that they “do not believe there was any malicious intent” from Walden. It is also stated from this member of Emarosa’s management team that they “can see how this could fall under a ‘grooming scenario'” that Jane had described in their email, but, “after talking with him and further understanding his head space at the time, I do not believe this was the case. As you said, there was an attraction on your part so the conversations were pretty mutual. It doesn’t sound like anything was forced here. Although still inappropriate behavior on both sides.”
The same email from this individual concludes with them attempting to get Jane to speak with Walden, under the guise of closure for Jane. They reference how this could be “therapeutic” for Jane to get this off of their shoulder — as well as have Walden deliver a sincere apology.
In the second to last paragraph of the same email to Jane, this member of Emarosa’s management team offers to pick a charity of Jane’s choice that “we can make a contribution to showing you just how serious we are about it as well. Like I said, we employ quite a few females on our team and myself and everyone involved want nothing more than people to be safe.”
As far as Substream was shown, we did not see any email reply from Jane to this member of Emarosa’s management team. Substream is running this story on accusations regarding Walden because we believe it to be the right thing to do, to attempt to hold band member’s accountable for their alleged inappropriate behavior.
Currently, Emarosa has been removed from Hopeless Records and Roc Nation’s website. Substream reached out to Roc Nation via email for comment, but at the time of publication, have not received a response.
Substream also reached out to Emarosa’s last known publicist, who responded via email and stated they aren’t currently active on Emarosa or engaged on press for them.