Canadian singer-songwriter Olivia Lunny is no stranger to hard work. She began playing guitar at and early age with some encouragement from her father which then progressed in to early song writing at the age of 12. Since then Olivia has been developing her craft via co-writes, live performances and studio work. I had the opportunity to drop a few questions on Olivia as she begins to release her next big single, Hold Me.
Substream; In another interview you mentioned your father giving you some guitar lessons. Is there a musical history with your family in regards to playing instruments, singing, etc?
Olivia; There isn’t a huge musical history in my family. My dad played in a rock band in high school but never pursued a career in music. I think because of that, he lives vicariously through the music I make and is my #1 supporter!
S; You started writing songs at an early age and have progressed into doing co-writes with other artists and developing that craft. Do you ever revisit some of the older songs you’ve written? If so, what do you recognize in yourself in those songs?
O; I most definitely revisit old song ideas! A lot of the time that usually sparks inspiration for a new song actually. For me, songwriting has always been a way to express myself and understand my emotions in the moment. Looking back on old ideas is always really interesting for me. It’s like looking at an old photograph and feeling nostalgic about that moment in time.
S; In regards to songwriting, where do you find your inspiration?
O; I often draw inspiration from my personal experiences with relationships. I’ve also been inspired before by the people around me and my environment. My songwriting process is very spontaneous. Sometimes I’ll sit down and write a full song in half an hour, other times I’ll slowly compile parts to a song over a few months. I never usually plan on writing a song, It usually just comes out when I feel like I have something to say.
S; You mentioned that music became a more serious career thought for you while in high school. How so? Were you building a fane base amongst friends and receiving support from your family?
O; My parents and brother have always been incredibly supportive of my music career (my brother recently became my manager)! In high school I would play local coffee shops and school talent shows as often as I could. My friends were super supportive and would always get people out to my shows. Having a solid support system really solidified me choosing to pursue music more seriously. For that, I am forever grateful for the people in my life believing in me!
S; With music being a full time career for you now, what are the hurdles you see in front of you and how do you stay motivated?
O; Music as a career path holds lots of uncertainty. As I grow deeper into the industry and my own music career, I’ve learned to truly appreciate the moment and channel all of my energy into making the music itself. By doing so it’s allowed me to enjoy this path more and celebrate the small wins!
S; Tell us about your new single Hold Me. What inspired this song and the video concept?
O; When I go to write a song I instinctually pick up an acoustic guitar. “Hold Me” however, came to life when I sat down and revisited the piano after quite some time. Often I don’t know what’s weighing on my chest until I write and hear the words that come out. The lyrics and video for “Hold Me” explore the many ups and downs that come when you are emotionally invested in a relationship.
Olivia plans to release an EP sometime this summer!