If you’ve been reading Substream for a while, you may have seen our weekly Take Five column, where we highlight our five favorite songs from the previous week. For the month of December, we wanted to highlight of our love and appreciation of the holidays by doing something special for our readers. So for this month, we present you with a special variation of Take Five with the Holiday Five.
We’ve gotten together with some amazing artists and music industry people to chat about their five favorite holiday movies. This will be more than a weekly column, so be sure to check in every day to see who joined us to talk about their favorite holiday movies.
Our next piece this month comes from the members of Makeout — head below to see what their favorite holiday films are!
Elf – “Will Ferrell being Will Ferrell in a heartwarming Christmas movie? How can you go wrong! Honestly I’ve gotta thank my girlfriend for this one because I hadn’t watched Elf for a long time until last year and now I don’t think I’ll go another Christmas without watching it.” – Guitarist Tyler Young
Home Alone – “This movie was a huge part of my childhood. The story of a “family” chasing that perfect Christmas. When suddenly it all comes crashing down while surviving the torturous rampage of an 8 year old murderous psychopath. Really tugs at the heart strings.” – Drummer Scott Eckel
Jingle All The Way – “There’s something about this movie that gets me feeling nostalgic and puts me in the Christmas spirit. I can remember being a kid and wanting that Turbo Man doll. Is it the greatest movie ever? No..but it’s definitely uplifting and underrated.” – Vocalist/guitarist Kyle Dee
The Night Before – “This movie really resonated with me the first time I saw it. It was one of the first holidays I had to spend away from my family, and the main character struggles with losing his family around the holidays. In the movie, his best friends come and make new holiday traditions together like going to Christmas karaoke and going to a massive Christmas Party. My two best friends and I loved this movie so much that they decided to surprise me when I couldn’t be with my family and took me around Chicago to emulate the movie. It’s now a tradition for the three of us to do it every holiday. Three best friends in ugly sweaters enjoying Chicago Christmas. Karaoke, Chinese dinner, Christmas bar and the big tree in millennium park. Oh and we start the night watching The Night Before.” – Bassist AJ Khah.
Bad Santa:
Tyler – Bad Santa is one of those movies that came out when I was a little too young to be watching it, but I saw it anyway, and now it’s one the movies I have to watch when Christmas rolls around. While it’s a little unorthodox compared to the rest of the movies on this list, it’s a staple for me every year and it never ceases to make me crack up. Billy Bob Thornton is SUCH an asshole in the movie, and it’s so funny.