Portsmouth singer-songwriter Ben Brookes has been creating and performing since at least 11 years old, and his newest output is evident of years of mastering his craft. Influenced by some of the greatest to ever do it — the Beatles and Pink Floyd to give you an idea — Brookes’ sound won’t be a huge surprise considering that fact, but the way in which he’s arranged his songs and delivers will stay with you. The passion is up front and center, leading the way over beautifully constructed tracks led by acoustic guitar and Brookes’ distinctive vocals.
Brookes’ newest album, titled The Motor Car & The Weather Balloon, is on the way, although an exact release date has yet to be revealed. To get you excited for its inevitable arrival, though, singles “Stories In The Rain” and “Integration (Not Segregation)” are streaming now, both with official videos to boot. You can check those out below to get an idea of the incredibly well-crafted acoustic rock the album has to offer. Both singles are available on iTunes along with Brookes’ previous work.