Rising New York transplant recording artist Denitia drops a new single proper for the summertime vibe in “All The Sweet Tea.” The new song introduces us to a reflective tale inspired by isolation. Based on a true story, Denitia’s new hit encourages fans to savor every moment and to be true to themselves when deciding how to spend them. Stream it now via County Road.

Produced by Brad Williams, she sings, “All the sweet tea in Carolina, All the sun that comes to dry up all the rain / All the mountain peaks in Colorado, They’re waiting there and Calling out our names.”

Keen to detail, Denitia depicts the isolation we all endured last year due to the pandemic with introspective lyrics like: “Time is ticking, like it always does. It flies right by, right over us.”

In the track, we learn that how we spend our time and the mindset in which we tackle life’s challenges is the only thing in life that we can truly control. Denitia is establishing a newfound American utopia through passionate instrumentals and heart-on-sleeve storytelling. For newfound fans, “All The Sweet Tea” is the perfect origin point to hop on the Denitia bandwagon. She is an artist-to-watch.

Feel free to listen to “All The Sweet Tea” below, and afterward, follow Denitia on social media for more than music.