Coming fresh off the heels of their blockbuster “Heliocentric” (Released May 2021), Martyr for Madison has returned to disrupt the scene yet again with their latest banger, “Change Your Mind.” The post-hardcore group from Grand Rapids, MI channels the high-voltage level of their previous outing to bring an emotional rollercoaster featuring a powerful delivery in all aspects.

Tom Soupal in particular gives one of his best vocal performances on the record to date, emphasized by the weight that his lyrics carry by bearing the burden of a past relationship and contemplations of what could’ve been. Many of us can relate to the long road that “If I’d known it was the last time-” takes us down mentally, one that the band explores through lyrical and melodic poetry. Where Soupal relinquishes the lead that his presence demands, the guitar work speaks for itself through grooving riffage and solos that add an essential layer of depth to the work as whole, while the powerful beats, ala drummer AC Grimes, serve as the driving backbone of the song. 

“Change Your Mind” tells us everything we need to know that this band is operating in their prime right now, so don’t be surprised if you start hearing more of them on your radio and discover playlists. The music coupled with crisp production, as well as the band’s marketability creates a final product that should get any A&R scout really excited. Martyr for Madison takes everything there is to love about emo and post-hardcore, only to step it up a notch through their musicianship and impactful delivery. At this stage in the band’s career, their ceiling only exists within the realms of their imagination.

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