Take 5 has been a tradition here at Substream for an incredibly long time. While it has been missing for a little bit of time (most recently running in December as a special Holiday Five edition). However, during all of the strange and uncertain things going on around us in the world — most of us are quarantined inside our homes — there’s no better time than now to bring back the Take 5 feature.
For now, this feature will run more than once a week, as we have a lot of great guest contributors lined up. Much like December’s Holiday 5, this will be a special variant with guest contributors — except this time, they’re sharing…well, sorta whatever. It could be a list of activities they’re doing to pass the time during this odd period of time, maybe a list of books they’re reading, shows they’re binging, or whatever it might be that interests them.
Our latest feature comes from Five North’s Tyler Posey, Scott Eckel, and Kyle Murphy, who have put together a list of five things to do while being stuck at home.
1) Watching Shaun of the dead on repeat. They bring up the classic line “head to the Winchester and wait for all this to blow over” plus there are zombies. Very fitting
2) Being creative people we’ve had to look to different things to fill that void. Learning graphic designing has been fun and essential for the band. Also making our own merchandise! Learning how to silk screen and shit!
3) Slumber party with the dogs every night!
4) I found out that snl has almost every season on Hulu. I was never a big SNL lover but now we are in a committed relationship.
5) Dancing has been a bit of a cure to the boredom being cooped up. Blasting music and starting a dancing party with yourself is very healthy to the psyche. Also our boy Scott created a blink 18-flu cover — and he got featured on the Australian news!