This is the fifth of five articles for the “Week Of Waldman”. I’m sad. So are our 4 subjects in Fall Out Boy. F is for Fall Out Boy. F is also for the final day of the typical work week: Friday. The word friday has inspired countless songs and movies, non of which to be named here. However, Logan White, Substream editor superhero should need no introduction. Both Mr. White and I are big FOB fans, and this article was atypical in the best way.

Logan has this to say, “Welcome back to another week reading “Words from a Waldman”. This time around we take on the important that presidential candidates are too afraid to tackle: ranking Fall Out Boy’s discography. The band’s career has two very distinctly different parts to it, thanks to a nice little break-up in between their two eras — and one is better than the other, in our humblest of opinions. We agreed here on nearly every album ranking, except number one, but beauty is in compromise. Or something. Anyway, enjoy our list and laugh at our jokes (mainly the play on album titles). We’re funny on the internet.”

I have this to say, “Enjoy this list (or don’t). We decided to rank and explain ‘why’ with a potential FOB song title. I’ll say more in the conclusion (or I won’t).”

Y U P:

7. MANIA – The Last Of The Rankings

6. American Beauty/American Psycho – (Not Our) Favorite Record

5. Save Rock And Roll – Elton John And Big Sean: Where DID The Party Go?

4. From Under The Cork Tree – I Slept With Someone At Substream And All I Got Was This Shitty Article About Me

3. Take This To Your Grave – Pete Screamed A Bunch On This Album Which Is “Cool” But The Band Is Better Sans Screaming But We Love This Album

2. Folie A Deux – Logan Really Wanted This As Number One But This Is Words From A Waldman So It’s A Close #2

1. Infinity On High – Jay Z Is On This Album So We Don’t Need A Witty Song Title

That is all. As a reminder, we only include studio albums on these lists. (Coffee’s For Closers).