Set to embark on a massive 2019. Fast-rising dance sensation Trivecta capitalizes on his recent successful remixing run with an all-new, all-original single, creatively-titled, “Standing AT The Edge”. A heavy bass-driven production laced with a catchy melodic vocal, Trivecta showcases his diverse abilities to experiments with various genres for a hit all his own.
Trivecta on the making of “Standing At The Edge”:
“Standing at the Edge is a combination of a few things that have really been inspiring me lately: crazy dubstep sound design, epic melodic drops, and super clean trancey breakdowns. I started the track a few years ago, originally intended for another artist, but decided it was far too cool and unique for me to part with.”
“Standing At The Edge” is merely the beginning of many great things to come from the new sensation. He reveals,
“Live shows, much more material than last year, more visuals, an EP, and some more special things that will ultimately make this all into a much bigger experience than ever before.”
Trivecta “Standing At The Edge” is available now Luminous Beings.
Trivecta is definitely a great act to follow, stay tuned for everything on the rising star via Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Stream “Standing At The Edge” now, courtesy of Spotify.