Holy Pinto drops their sophomore album, Adult, Friday, March 8th. The sound is sure to be a hit with the indie pop world. The feel good music takes you on a journey about transitioning out of your younger years and dealing with situations from your youth.

The album opens with “Adult #1” welcoming listeners to an album about growing up and getting older. Although short, the lyrics stand out as the beginning focuses on them with help from the acapella vocals. Single, “Daisychain”, is next up with a heavy guitar sound climax. The very relate-able lyrics about a lost love are sure to keep listeners engaged in the journey of getting older.

“Goldleaf” and “Salt” alike are sure to be hits with the catchy chorus and dance-able, pop tunes. Both songs are ones you would blast with your windows down, on a warm summers day.

“King” starts off with building anticipation turning into complete indie vibe. The guitar chord interludes are a great addition to keep the sound changing throughout the whole song. On the same interesting note, “Brother”, starts with a guitar build as well transitioning into a minute long instrumental introduction adding another point to the indie scoreboard.

A smooth, rock sound presents itself in “You Are My Seatbelt.”  With lyrics driven towards another relationship, whether failed or succeeding, it again relates to the ever popular feeling of growing up.

The album wraps up with “Adult #2”, which is another ode to getting older. With the slow progression to the strong instrumental ending, the song is altogether a great end to the album capturing the true optimistic vibe singer, Aymen, put together. “The best is yet to come” is the last lyric you hear providing great foreshadowing to Holy Pinto’s future in music.

To celebrate the album release, you can see Holy Pinto at The Cactus Club in Milwaukee, WI March 9th, 2019.